Words of Wisdom - the Editor

Got busy with a new project. So couldn’t add more news. Although I came across a fine article by a brother on the history and future of Islamic Banking. I was surprised to know that Islamic banking had beginnings in 1975. Wow. That’s almost as early as my birth. And I guess if there are enough like minded people any idea is bound to grow. I too used to wonder if I can invest without plunging into interest based transactions.

UK I noticed is taking some fine initiatives to promote Shariah Finance. Also came across a western brother or atleast who calls Muslims his brothers and sisters but laughs cynically at the DOW Islamic index as 'bending backwards' to accommodate those guys who have four wives and cut of peoples hands. O well some people just don't get it, do they?

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Turkey Impressed With Malaysia's Promotion Of Halal Standards

KUALA LUMPUR. Turkey has complimented the efforts taken by the Malaysian government to promote halal standards, its Deputy Undersecretary for Foreign Trade, Omer Faruk Dogan said Friday.

He said the issue had become more and more important to the Muslims and that it could be another key to establishing stronger relations among the Muslim population.

He was speaking to reporters after presenting a trade briefing at the Malaysia International Halal Showcase (MIHAS) 2008 here today.

Malaysia's halal standards, set by the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) previously is recognised globally. The halal certification in Malaysia is now conducted by Halal Development Corp (HDC).

Malaysia's contribution to the formulation of uniform halal standards is seen as crucial and timely as some 17 standards are being used globally for the halal industry.

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