Words of Wisdom - the Editor

Got busy with a new project. So couldn’t add more news. Although I came across a fine article by a brother on the history and future of Islamic Banking. I was surprised to know that Islamic banking had beginnings in 1975. Wow. That’s almost as early as my birth. And I guess if there are enough like minded people any idea is bound to grow. I too used to wonder if I can invest without plunging into interest based transactions.

UK I noticed is taking some fine initiatives to promote Shariah Finance. Also came across a western brother or atleast who calls Muslims his brothers and sisters but laughs cynically at the DOW Islamic index as 'bending backwards' to accommodate those guys who have four wives and cut of peoples hands. O well some people just don't get it, do they?

Monday, February 2, 2009

Australia-MLA Halal accredited brand.

The global expansion of the MLA's Halal Brand, is an important step towards expanding markets for Australian red meat, according to Ian Ross the Middle East regional manager for the MLA.
Ross said "with 28% of the worlds population being Moslem and with most of these people living in countries with growing economies, its vital the Australian red meat industry positions itself in the best possible way to supply these important markets".The world has over 2 billion Moslems and the market for Halal products, exceeds US$500 billion.
The major problems in getting Moslem nations to take meat, as opposed to live animals are two fold, one they prefer fresh meat and secondly mistrust of the Halal slaughter procedures, in countries such as Australia and the South American countries.The Australian MLA brand for certified Halal meat, goes a long way towards removing half of the problem.
In Argentina, the Council of Mosques organizes all the Halal slaughter, through a private company, that provides the service at the meat plants www.halalcatering.com.ar .
Palermo Buenos Aires, boasts the largest Mosque in the whole of the America's north and south.

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